Putting the fun back into Monday.
At Hula, our team work a 4 day week – starting on Monday and finishing on Thursday.
We wanted to introduce this wellbeing initiative with energy, fun and optimism. This presented us with an amazing creative challenge and after some robust and fun discussion we landed on the idea of Love Mondays. We then pushed that idea further and decided it was also a great name and allowed us to amplify and connect the Hula Onboarding Experience. The simple wordmark includes a smile and sometimes a wink.

We also wanted to connect Loving Monday's to our Hula values of Fun, Flexible, Brave and No Bullshit. Smiling, quirky characters were developed to clarify expectations and behaviours that allow us to maintain productivity levels.

We launched Love Mondays at the start of the Hula financial year with posters, a launch event, and some sustainable merch. Love Mondays is also used to onboard new employees and forms a key part of the Hula onboarding experience.
As one of the first agencies in Aotearoa to adopt a 4-day week, we are excited and proud of what Loving Monday's can help us achieve.