Realising the true value of open and ethical advocacy.
In an environment of declining trust, transparency can be a competitive advantage. For corporations, it’s a matter of being rewarded now for their corporate integrity or mitigating risk later.
Openly is an integrity accreditation platform that enables corporations to disclose information relating to their engagement with government. We worked collaboratively with them to develop a brand strategy, new name, voice and identity.
Based on the idea of ‘Championing Positive Influence', we began with a new symbol that tells a story of positivity, engagement and energy. This symbol stands for Openly as well as its larger mission of open and ethical interactions between corporations and government.

Openly aims to help achieve a more transparent and robust democracy for all. So we created an identity that feels bold, bright and open – striving to bring a level of friendly simplicity to an otherwise complex and opaque industry.

With their new story, identity and voice, Openly is on its way to fulfilling the promise of its name – creating a more open advocacy environment and to set a new standard of conduct for public – private dialogue.